It's Friday and we're here with some behind the scenes shots from the production floor. We build our boots here in Eugene, Oregon and we're very proud of our process and the end result, and we think you will enjoy some behind the scenes action.

Stone Rambler getting the moc toe treatment.

We have some incredible, worn boots in for resole right now.

Rough outs look incredible when really worn, this pair being Cattail Grizzly Rough Outs.

Another beautiful pair in for resole.

Navy Horse Rump.

Multiple new boots coming in double shot, both plain and cap toe builds and multiple colors.

The first of the double shots coming down the line is Charcoal, seen here.

Our laster tends to wear wedges for working all day on cement.

Not your granddad's teacore.

The deep red core of this leather really lets the design of this boot stand out.

Gallun's Horse Rump in Olive is coming.

Our current Moc Toe pattern in production. We've got a new take on the moc toe in development.

Our heel press doing its job on this pair of Coyote Rough Out Uplands.

View from the other side, showing off our newest sole: the heavy lug.

Lately in the morning, warm sunlight comes through the factory and lights up our finishing rack.
Hopefully this was an enjoyable insight into our process. Check back next week to see more.
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