It's Friday and we're here with some behind the scenes shots from the production floor. We build our boots here in Eugene, Oregon and we're very proud of our process and the end result, and we think you will enjoy some behind the scenes action.

Old favorite Java Waxed Flesh being cut.

A pair of Black Cypress Teacore being sewn.

What do you think of the single piece heel on our 20 last pattern?

A small release of this coming.

The drama of cork.

The first of a few new views of our moc toes.

Oh interesting, what do we have here?

Another view of the Tobacco Snakebite moc toes.

And another.

A new rambler release on our heavy lug coming next week.

Our new Black Cypress Teacore release has finished up and will be available shortly.
Hopefully this was an enjoyable insight into our process. Check back next week to see more.
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Need a reminder? Sign-up here for a weekly email with a direct link to the Factory Friday post.
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